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Depending on what course you are following to achieve your QTS, you will all be at slightly different starting points. Don't worry - you will catch up very soon! Some of you will have had the opportunity to observe plenty of lessons and will have seen examples of how a good lesson should be planned. Some of you may have been studying the theory of lesson planning and how this should look in the classroom. Some of you may have even started to deliver part of a lesson, or even a whole lesson. Certainly by Christmas, you will all be planning lessons and delivering them to one or more year groups in at least one key stage! |
The most important part of designing your learning intentions is that the students need to know what they are too. It is all very well deciding what you want them to learn and then just delivering the lesson...but if the students aren't included in this knowledge you will be missing a large learning opportunity! |
Connect – lesson outcomes are described and connections are made to prior learning or existing experiences. Activate – students make sense of the knowledge through specific activities. This is the bulk of the lesson to enable the students to engage in the learning. Demonstrate – the students can now demonstrate their new knowledge. They have learnt something and are expected to apply that knowledge. Consolidate – also known as the review or plenary. Students articulate what they have learnt and how they have learnt it. |
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
Behaviour Management
Collaborative Group Work
Keeping On Top
Learning Talk
Lesson Planning
Starters And Plenaries
Time Management
Video Observations: An Eye On Learning